Source your product from India with confidence.

We represent you in India so that you can focus on growing your business.
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AISG has an extensive network of trusted manufacturing partners that have been affirmed to meet the high expectations of our buyers. Additionally, we are always searching for new manufacturers that meet our criteria in new product categories and locations.

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Our sourcing agents are present in the factory on a regular basis and able to communicate during the India workday. They witness the production process and are able to influence factory decisions at critical moments. They represent your standards and values in-person on the factory floor.

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From factory selection to final checks, our sourcing agents ensure quality at every step. Every factory is vetted in-person and every order is inspected before shipment. We provide reports on every shipment before it leaves the factory so that you don’t have any surprises.

Our Solutions

Whether you are looking for a new manufacturer or needing help with an existing relationship, our American supply chain professionals visit factories in India on your behalf. Many businesses find it difficult to source quality products from India that arrive on time. AISG has American sourcing agents in cities across India to provide clear communication and in-person accountability throughout your supply chain so that you have products you can count on.

Cultural Diversity in Supply Chains

At AISG, we recognize the challenges that can arise when managing supply chains across different cultures. We understand that cultural differences in perspectives on Time, Commitment, Quality, Communication, and Relationship can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. That’s why we offer a solution.

Ensuring Your Standards

Our culturally-sensitive team in India represents your brand in factories, ensuring your vision and standards are upheld. We oversee manufacturing and conduct quality inspections to address your unique challenges. Let us provide the extra accountability you need, so you can focus on your customers with peace of mind.

Our Products

We have made it our passion to focus on the categories in which India has a unique advantage.

We have a large product range, only limited by what we believe to be core areas of strength for India.  A few of these core products are:

Leather Goods

Home Decor 


Custom Packaging


Client Success Stories

Our clients range from mass market retailers who are leaning into the India advantage as well as creative start-ups who need lower initial quantities.  

Get In Touch With Us

Get matched with the perfect-fit manufacturer or use your existing one. We’ll assist with starting production, maintaining schedule adherence, conducting inspections, and ensuring timely delivery to your door.